i am :: page 1

‘i am’ may at first look like what one might think of as ‘boudoir.’

but it’s different.

‘i am’ is about you knowing you’re worthy of your own love.

it’s about taking ownership of the beautiful vessel that is home to your brain, your soul, your story.

you can wear something, nothing, whatever you like.

you can be indoors, outdoors or wherever you feel most at home.

you are the only person who decides what your session is going to be about and what you want to be.

everyone has the right to think they are powerful and miraculous and...enough.

‘i am’ is about you.

sessions can be inquired about by messaging through the instagram link or sending an email (both on the contact page.)

if finance is an issue, we can make it happen. if you’re willing to do this for yourself, you deserve to have it.